
Office In A Post Covid-19: Why Is The Future of Coworking is Suburban

posted on September 11, 2020

Office In A Post Covid-19: Why Is The Future of Coworking is Suburban

Interior Designers: Contact us via Highstreet to make your dream building come true and follow our blog for updates on building design inspiration

So far, the co-working industry has been largely focused on developing office designs in big cities. However, as has been shown before, despite the large number of people who always consider co-working as an alternative to the office design of their choice - a workspace that is designed to be flexible is like losing its fans. The pandemic situation makes it necessary for offices to adapt their office designs to changing situations and conditions. How and where co-working will develop is the next question you pay attention to.

To cope with a pandemic, an innovation regarding the development of co-working design is that you take advantage of suburban areas. With the development of office designs in large cities, those who are more likely to have headquarters based in cities are increasingly adopting flexible, co-working space designs that have a transformative effect not only on office designs that pay attention to welfare but also about the environment. This benefit is directly related to eliminating the need for your employees to travel long distances. You need to know, if co-working is moved to a location that is more affordable for your employees, they will reduce their travel time. This equates to more time for sleeping or looking after their child. Also, reducing carbon emissions is just as important, this change will eliminate carbon dioxide levels every year. If a co-working location is located in the suburbs, increasing co-working space in the suburbs can reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

This makes perfect sense for those of you whose offices are still operating today and has work from office policy where the health of your staff is a concern. Where these facilities will be located, but most will certainly be in an ex-retail context.

The Impact of a Pandemic on Office Design

The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic will probably continue to be felt over the coming weeks as you will certainly be familiar with new steps such as being on guard, only leaving when you have important things to do, and you cannot meet other friends and family. However, one of the most pervasive changes to emerge from this pandemic situation is how and where you work. For most of you working from home takes some getting used to, with plenty of kitchen tables, sofas, and even plant corners in place of the cosy old office desks. With many employers now looking to evaluate what your return to work will look like once normality returns, You can integrate working from home into a workweek and it might be something that is discussed as a long-term way of working. As a result, one consideration is the comfortable way of working that you need.

The hub and spoke approach to office design is a style that could become more popular during a pandemic. This involves your office having the main office design and many smaller and often smaller branch offices located closer to your home as an employee. In the post-COVID-19 transition period, you will need this office design style, this type of office will reduce the need for employees to replace public transportation and will also offer an effective work environment. There is a higher expectation of adapting office designs of this type to increase the demand for flexibly designed offices in the suburbs in the short term, as well as in the long term.

One question you have in mind is where exactly this flexible suburban office design will be located. One thing you might consider designing a flexible suburban office and working together to help revitalize the highway, by occupying an empty retail unit. Designing a space where your employees can come to work and access shops or other facilities can be very attractive in short-term office designs because people are now avoiding public transportation, but it can also be a long-term plan that your office can do, especially when You begin to move to more flexible work culture.

Flexible Office Design in the Suburbs

A flexible office can provide a pleasant and comfortable work experience for you, especially when coupled with the existing technology infrastructure and an internet connection, ergonomically designed chairs and desks will look great. Suburban office design can also provide a level of social interaction that you don't get face-to-face when working from home. Even though you may not have the full range of coworkers, the socializing element is still an important part of the job.

office design

Meanwhile, apart from offices that can be located on the outskirts of the city, as a result of other COVID-19, the workplace will change forever. You can’t return to the past office design, it's just that you temporarily to the previous office. While you will be in an office with a new design, it may look similar in many ways, but it will be modified in a more strategic design way, incorporating new designs, new protocols, and new technologies. These changes will occur in response to your growing concerns about the implications of a pandemic that is still happening. With the pandemic, you get a new understanding of the extension of this transitional period like you to start working from home, an experience that has opened the eyes of many to how technology can support you in your work and free you from office. You are also getting used to the daily routine without the burden of travel that you usually do when you go to the office.

All of this adds to the future of offices where people want to work from home more often than before the pandemic. Despite these statements, some assume that the full-time work from the home policy will remain after COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed. However, some indicators working from home is permanently unsustainable for the development of culture and talent, nor is it a substitute for the speed in trust and collaboration that has been built through working face-to-face or working from the office. Collaborative work can move forward at the speed of the trust that is built-in relationships between employees.

What about your office design in the face of this pandemic? Has it given you a sense of comfort and security? If you want to adapt the design of your office space in the face of a pandemic, you can work with us and we are ready to help you.

Interior Designers: Contact us via Highstreet to make your dream building come true and follow our blog for updates on building design inspiration

This article is adapted from Why the Future of Coworking is Suburban

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