
Interior Designers Reveal New Trends in Biophilic Home Interior Design

posted on December 24, 2020

Interior Designers Reveal New Trends in Biophilic Home Interior Design

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Earthy neutral colours, handcrafted beauty, sustainable decor, natural contours and organic textures are the most important parts of the mix. All of these elements represent a definite shift towards biophilic decor with people looking to forge a strong connection with nature within their homes and offices.

What is a Biophilic Home Interior Design?

Advances in technology and changes in lifestyle mean more time is spent away from nature. Biophilia is described as "an innate and genetically determined human affinity with nature". Whether it's subconscious affinity or clear desire research has shown that all humans desire natural arrangements. In short, it's a biophilic design.

Let's start with the basics. What is Biophilia? Biophilia is an inherent human tendency to become affiliated with nature which even in the modern world continues to be important. Therefore, biophilic interior design makes use of this affinity to create natural environments for us to live, work and study.

Interior designs that connect you with nature are proven to inspire you, increase productivity, and even contribute to a stronger sense of well-being. Now more than ever, it is imperative to bring out the outdoors and create an indoor environment - a biophilic interior, which references nature in a clear and subtle way.

The biophilic design can reduce stress, increase creativity and clarity of mind, enhance our well-being, and promote healing; as the world's population continues to urbanize, these qualities are becoming increasingly important. Theorists, research scientists, and design practitioners have worked for decades to determine which aspects of nature most influence our satisfaction with the built environment.

Unfortunately, modern society has created many obstacles to get the beneficial experiences of nature. Particularly problematic is the growing disconnection from nature, which is often seen as merely an exploitable resource or a nice but unnecessary recreational facility. This increasing disconnection from nature is reflected in modern agriculture, manufacturing, education, health care, urban development and architecture.

Why Are Biophilic Interior Design Trends Increasingly Popular?

The benefits of relating to nature are not surprising. Simply put, incorporating biophilic design into architecture and decoration is good for our mental and physical health.

Biophilic design can reduce stress, enhance cognitive function and creativity, enhance our well-being, and accelerate healing; as the world's population continues to urbanize, these qualities are very important. Given how quickly natural experiences can elicit a restorative response, biophilic design is essential to provide opportunities for people to live and work in a healthy environment, with less stress and better well-being.

What Are the Elements of Biophilic Interior Design?

Biophilic home interior design not only embeds the physical existence of nature around you but also imitates nature through the objects, materials, textures, colours, shapes and sequences found in nature. Its purpose is to stimulate visual, auditory, haptic, and olfactory relationships through art, furniture, decoration and architecture.

Soil colours, natural materials and fibres, plenty of sunlight, natural contours and organic shapes, botanical elements, running water features, scented plants, living roofs, or moss walls all work to strengthen these relationships.

Interior Design Services Apply Biophilic Design to Home

Interiors Biophilic interior design includes simulations of the natural world into our everyday spaces. This doesn't mean you have to pitch a tent in the woods and live off the ground.

Direct sensory contact with nature in a space doesn't just mean being close to a potted plant or two. Interaction with nature can be seen from the presence of stimulating natural scenery; or by using plants, water features, natural air currents or breezes, sounds and aromas. Designs using these groups of patterns will create meaningful direct relationships with natural elements through diversity, movement, and multisensory interactions. Here are some easy ways to rebuild your connection through design and decor:

Home Interior Design Supports Sunlight Exposure

Maximize your home's exposure to daylight, whether direct or diffused. Arrange your seating, reading nook and workspace near windows or skylights.

Interior Design Services Use Walls As Canvas

If you are not lucky enough to have a large natural view, simulate it. Use your walls as a canvas - large landscape paintings or photos, botanical print wallpapers, wall murals, and more.

Interior Design Services Presents Natural Nuances Through Furniture

Bring natural images to furniture, furniture, screens, cabinets throughout your living room. Look for wooden furniture that follows natural contours and lines, such as a vibrant edge bar or dining table that accentuates the feel of wood grain and knots. Add natural materials Add oodles of natural materialAdd oodles of natural materials and fibers to your decor such as hemp, organic cotton, linen, stone, rattan, wood, and bamboo.

Classifying unique natural elements. Cover paths, outdoor planters, indoor courtyards or green corners on your balcony or bathroom with fine pebbles or river stones.

Biophilic interiors use materials, grains, textures and elements in designs that clearly reflect the natural environment to create a holistic impression of the natural world.

Interior Design Services Use Color Palettes in Home Interior Design

Use color palettes that come from nature such as earthy tones of hilly landscapes, soothing forest colors, beautiful sunsets over the sea.

Interior Design Services Present Water Features

Consider adding a water feature, however small. To simulate the sight and sound of water in nature, flowing works wonders.

Interior Design Services Add Air Purifying Plants

Fill your home with fragrant plants and herbs from potted plants to vertical herb gardens. Air purifying plants such as the Areca nut, Golden Pothos, and Peace Lily add life to the interior design of your home.

Biophilic interior design

Not every interior design space can be designed to incorporate all the principles of biophilic design, but often there are many contributing elements that will collectively improve the interior and the well-being of everything in it. It's more than just adding a potted plant or two! Natural light, vegetation, good air quality and ventilation, living walls, natural textures, materials and natural landscapes will have a positive impact.

For other articles regarding the latest information, to tips and tricks about home interior design, you can visit hydeliving.co.id and find out more residential interior design inspiration. 

Interior Designer: Contact us via Highstreet to make your dream building come true and join Highstreet to become our interior design partner.

This article is adapted from Why is Biophilic Design the New Trend in Home Décor?

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